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  1. #111
    Registriert seit

    Über die Gerüchte bezüglich Cormier konnte ich nix finden...
    Cormier soll wohl ziemlich angefressen gewesen sein, weil er beim Prejudging nicht mit mit Dexter und Priest aufgerufen wurde, aufgrund seiner schlechten Form. Er wollt sich wohl die Schmach eines 5 oder 6ten Platzen nicht antun und hat deshalb das Handtuch geworfen.

  2. #112
    Flex Leser Avatar von John.S
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    Zitat Zitat von eastside
    Ich denke mal Hara bezieht sich auf die neusten Bilder von der AC wo Coleman recht "dünn" aber dafür sehr frisch und erholt aussieht...

    Das mein ich ja auch,klar für ronnie ist das gar nix aber dünn ist das ganz sicher nicht!
    Wenn ich mir ihn so angucke seh ich da eher einen 25 jährigen als einen 40 jährigen Mr.O.

  3. #113
    Registriert seit
    Aber er scheint wohl wieder angefangen haben zu Trainieren. Das war er nach 3 Monaten garnichtstun....

  4. #114
    Flex Leser Avatar von milou2007
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    Bob wurde schon gestern aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen und wird vorraussichtlich noch diese Woche wieder anfangen zu trainieren.


  5. #115
    Flex Leser Avatar von John.S
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    Zitat Zitat von IAM
    Aber er scheint wohl wieder angefangen haben zu Trainieren. Das war er nach 3 Monaten garnichtstun....
    So schlecht sieht er da gar nicht aus,auch wenn die Fotos der Letzte dreck sind weil man dort nix erkennen kann!

  6. #116
    Registriert seit
    So schlecht sieht er da gar nicht aus,auch wenn die Fotos der Letzte dreck sind weil man dort nix erkennen kann!
    Ne schlecht sieht er nicht aus keine Frage. Hat da immer noch mehr Muskeln als 100% der Forenmitglieder. Was ich erstaunlich finde ist, das der Bauch ziemlich klein aussieht.
    Nach einigen Spezalisten hier müßte er ja jetz noch größer aussehen weil der Rest ja kleiner geworden ist. War wohl doch nix mit der Mega-Wachs-Wampe.

  7. #117
    Sportbild Leser/in
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    man ist da ein vieh,der hat ja schon den schlafanzug zerissen

    beim predjudging hätte er ruhig noch ein bisschen trockener sein können

  8. #118
    Flex Leser Avatar von milou2007
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    Hier ein News Update von seiner Freundin Brenda Kelly :

    From Brenda Kelly:

    To all who have sent their prayers and support to Bob and I these last days
    after the San Fran Pro Grand Prix, both of us thank you from the bottom of our

    The rumors have been flying as is the norm for these things. For those of you
    who haven't heard or have heard only some parts of the story, Bob and I went
    to the San Fran Pro last Friday where Bob was a competitor in the show. He and
    I went to represent for their booth along with head honcho,
    Russ Deluca and our beautiful cover girl friend, Kat Meyers. On a side note,
    Bob looked awesome. Better conditioning than he had the Arnold which he was
    very happy with. Remember, this was Bob's third Pro show in a row along with the
    Ironman Pro, Arnold and San Fran. all within about 4 weeks.

    Bob started throwing up the morning of the show and he and I barely made it
    to pre judge. Many times we thought he might just have to pull out because he
    was so nauseous. Nothing would stay down. Although I felt fine that morning, I
    had not felt well the night before so we thought it may have been a bug we
    both caught. Bob had also been fighting a cold like congestion ever since getting
    into Ohio for the Arnold. The worst part seemed to be whenever he had to
    throw up, his abs would lock and cramp like crazy. There were times they just
    stayed that way for up almost an hour or more each time. It looked horribly
    painful. We missed the team bus and took a taxi to get him to the pre judge 15
    minutes to spare until curtain time.

    We oiled him all up and out onto the stage he went. I don't know how he did
    it. It is scary to think he might have just keeled over right there and then.
    The weather was hot, record setting temperatures definitely not helping the
    situation. The venue we were at had the boiler set on automatic with the heat
    "on" since usually it is still cold at that time of the year so all of the guys
    on stage were dripping and overheated. Bob would get up for his call outs and
    go and sit behind the curtain sometimes in between to try to conserve energy
    and make it through. Bob hit all of his posses and if you didn't know how sick
    he was, you could not really tell anything was wrong although the sitting down
    in between call outs is something he usually does not do.

    After pre judge Bob went into the back pump up room, crashed down on the
    massage table they had back there for the athletes. He started throwing up again
    and we fed him little sips of water and Piedialite trying to re-hydrate him.
    Nothing would stay down. The promoter called Wayne, the IFBB head, who wisely
    insisted the medics come and check out the situation. The paramedics took one
    look at Bob and they took him away in the ambulance. I rode with him. So off we
    went, Bob all oiled up in his red posing trunks.

    They hooked him up to tubes out of everywhere (yes, guys...THERE too) along
    with all monitors. The doctor told us his potassium levels were so high he
    could have had a heart attack at any moment. Another huge issue was the
    dehydration combined with all of the loss of fluids had shut down his kidneys. They
    started the IV bags along with lots of other kick start methods to get his system
    levels out of the danger zone. It was scary. They put him in the CCU hooked up
    to monitors and the IV for two days. He stayed in the CCU Sat. and Sun.
    night. Levels were in a safe range by Monday and they moved him to a regular room
    without the tubes and monitors, just the IV needle. Things were working well
    and the doctor released him on Tuesday. We got a flight home to LA on Wednesday.

    I stayed with him as much as possible. I returned to the host hotel and
    packed up for both of us, checked out and checked into another hotel closer to the
    hospital. I was almost never in the room, I was able to be with Bob. The
    Alameda hospital overlooked many rules and let me just hang for hours after
    visiting hours were over and I even slept over his last night. We had fun trying to
    fit on the bed a variety of different ways with his IV tubes always in the way
    (side to side, toe to head etc...) No, there was none of that. The bed hurt
    his back something awful and he sat in a chair most of the time continually
    hooked up to his IV. The IV bag would empty every 4 hours and an irritating bell
    would ring and ring until one of the nurses would come to change it for a full
    one. This happened all day and night as well so he never got more than 4 hours
    sleep in a row. Usually it was 2 or 3 hours tops. There are curtain to pull
    around your bed, but they leave them mostly open and you are under constant
    surveillance. The nurses were super cool and fed me during meal times (Bob always
    ordered double everything) Of course this food wasn't nearly enough for him
    and they let me order a pizza and wings to be delivered to his room! . Bob
    never seemed to loose his appetite and remember he had been dieting for shows
    for quite some time. We ate junk food and watched movies and bad daytime TV
    together along with the entire staff dropping by to ogle his painted, contest
    perfected body. Remember, he hadn't showered for three days because he had been
    putting his color on for the show. His sheets were a messy disaster and we kept
    changing them. I got to give Bob a wash cloth bath after the second day. I
    don't know whether or not the nurses were mad at me for doing their job washing
    him or if they were relieved. They would always tell him how pretty he was and
    asked if they could feel his muscles. Even in the emergency room this
    happened. Hilarious. He got to shower after the second day which helped a lot.
    So, that was our trip to the San Fran Pro Grand Prix. Whew.

    The best news is the doctor released Bob letting him know there was no
    permanent damage which was a big relief.

    Bob and I are shooting with Ralph Dehan on Friday and we will go to Jon
    Lindsay's World Gym Classic Bodybuilding and Figure Championships in San Diego on
    Saturday, March 20 to represent Why don't you come and see us
    there if you can?


  9. #119
    75-kg-Experte/in Avatar von Hava
    Registriert seit
    Hey Jungs

    Ganz klar: Dexter "the Blade" Jackson wird das Rennen machen. Wenn er nicht gewinnt ist er sicher unter den ersten drei.

    Ich persönlich hoffe, dass Lee Priest sich nun von seinen langen Haaren getrennt hat und auch unter den ersten fünf landet.


    No pain no gain.
    Eat big to get big
    It's all about MASS[schild=1 fontcolor=000000 shadowcolor=C0C0C0 shieldshadow=1]SUPER PRIEST[/schild]

  10. #120
    Junior ADMIN Avatar von Das Schwäbische Grauen
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    Hast DU nicht mitbekommen! Das der WK schon vorbei ist!
    Und Das Lee Priest keine Lange Haare mehr hat!!!

    Wer Schreib/Tippfehler findet kann sie behalten!
    Mir ist egal ob du schwarz, weiß, hetero, schwul, lesbisch, klein, groß, fett, dünn, reich oder arm bist. Wenn du nett zu mir bist, bin ich nett zu dir. So einfach ist das!
    Außer Du bist ein Grüne- Wähler. Dann quatsch mich nicht an!

    BITTE stellt mir keine Ernährung & Trainingsfragen mehr über PM dazu haben wir das Forum!

    DSG in Aktion Part1--DSG in Aktion Part2

    Mein Trainingssystem "PBs"

    NEW -- 3x10+3PBs--NEW

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